Saturday, 22 February 2014

Good times ahead

I have been humbled by an offer to post one of my blog on a online magazine on a weekly basis. Although I received the offer with gratitude and excitement, I could not help but think of the reality that I have not been the most consisted blogger in the past few months. However, this is due to change as I have accepted this offer as a challenge and an honour.

The scope of my blog for the online magazine will remain the same as that of my blog. And what scope is that you ask? It is described in one of my idols quotes when he said "..I write what I like."
Not being a professional writer but a student and a custodian of medicines, I intend to incorporate this other side of me that I rarely mention on any of my online profiles.

I also intend to post few notes about my idols as I believe these men and women not only shaped the world we live in today, but some of them have changed my life on a person level. It is my hope that their stories will inspire you in one way or another.

I hope I will be able to meet the task that is at hand, and in doing so I'll be able to win your loyalty and your following.