There's a popular say that goes like "live like the is no tomorrow". It is a catchy saying that in most cases it is poorly applied and if you are stupid enough it can result in devastating results. This is not to say that this popular 'saying' is wrong, no, this is to highlight that like many other things in life the saying is not universal. It has its application.
We all don't know when are we gonna die. For most of us we prefer it that way. God forbid but my time to die could be now as I write this blog. My time on earth could come to an end at any given time or place. People who watch "Thousand ways to die" will understand what I'm taking about.
Not knowing when are we gonna die is no excuse to live carelessly and recklessly. No, we must still be responsible for our today and also plan for tomorrow because the chances are, me and you are gonna be here tomorrow.
It is important that when making decision today we take time to consider where we would like to see ourselves tomorrow. This is not to guarantee that we gonna be where we want to be tomorrow, no but it is a responsible act that help to shape one's future. We all don't know what tomorrow will bring but we cant try to plan and try to influence our destination by investing time and thought in every decision we make today.
It doesn't matter where you want to find yourself tomorrow, the decision to reaching that destination starts today. It starts with the choices you make today. Your age doesn't matter as well, you must decide what you want to achieve and when you would like to achieve it, visualize it and plan for it; you then implement it by decisions you make on a daily basis.
If you want to go on holiday in December then you find the place you want to visit, get the quotes and start saving for it today. This applies to whatever plan you want to achieve in life. Whether it's a dream job, that first car, or that degree you hope to achieve, you must start taking decisions towards making that dream a reality. The best time to start is now (After reading this blog of course).
Planning for tomorrow doesn't only apply to reaching our dreams or goals. It applies to preparing for the unforeseen events like death, one's or family member's. I am mentioning this because remember that death is one of the inheritance we receive from birth. When you were born they were few things guaranteed to you in this life. On top of the list is your death. Don't ignore it, but at the same time don't live in fear of it. Plan for it. Have a funeral cover for you and your spouse or those you are responsible for. Have a life policy for those you live behind.
Life has many unforeseen events and one can not simply plan for all of them but you can plan for some. You can plan for sickness by having a medical aid, you can plan for loss of property by having insurance. Have a savings's account for that day when you will need cash in a emergency situations. I wish no one any bad thing but that's life, bad things happen to good and also happen to bad people. Thank God for future planning.
Plan your estate for when you are gone, and plan for retirement in case you are still around. Don't be a burden in your presence and even bigger burden in your absence. The time to plan starts now, not tomorrow, not any other day or hour. It starts now. I'm @PowderBlaq and thanks for reading.