The human mind is incapable of visualisating the world the way it is. Human mind can only visualise the world or any situation they way it was taught to. For example, you might view a complex mathematically questions as difficult and unnecessary while another views it as exciting and stimulating.
The human mind is so subjective it ignores completely the world's realities and focuses on what it was taught and believes the world or reality to be. This is why you view the African continent as a diseased and poverty stricken land while the Chinese see it as a land of untapped opportunities. This is why you view African leadership as stupid and arrogant while they are regarded as heroes and heroines in the native land.
This is why you view a black man as a criminal and stupid while you regard Mandela as the greatest man to ever live. Your mind can only view the world for what you have taught it or what you have been taught. You are incapable of being objective.
Science for most of us is a measure of objectivity. It sees the world in its purest form and every theory is subjected to scrutiny or falsification and only if passes, only then does the scientific society adopt it to be a scientific theory. So basically science is the only measure of objectivity known to man right? Well, not really. You see, science measures the world the way a man sees it, and this is not necessarily the way the world is. Science uses scientific materials and methods to extrapolate what is constant and what is variable. Does nature look at itself this way?
Does the sun measure it's heat using a thermometer? Or day its duration using a watch? I don't think it does. Science is just a way in which we have accepted as a reliable way of looking at the world. It's simply an agreed method by man of looking and explaining the world. You probably think I'm crazy right now...
Look at it this way, science in it's bias form (like every human mind) chooses to accept and reject certain theories and phenomenons that itself cannot explain. It chooses to reject the ideology of God as he is unseen and cannot be measured but at the same time chooses to accept 'cold' which is also unseen and cannot be measured. Science can only measure heat and not cold.
We accept darkness yet we can't create or measure it. We can only measure and create light, not darkness. We simply define darkness as the absence of light. We choose to accept death in which we cannot create, see or measure it. We can only define it as the absence of life with a recorded history of previous life.
My whole point of this unnecessarily long blog is simply; you can change your whole world by just simply changing the way you look at it. The world is different depending on what angle you looking from. So once in a while take time back and look at it from a different angle, you'll be amazed what you gonna discover.
I'm @PowderBlaq, and thanks for reading