Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Overcoming failure

You are only a failure if you say so

No one is born a winner. No one. Even the great successful people failed at some point. In fact, most successful people are actually the world’s greatest failures. They people failed the most. The reason they are not called that today is because they didn’t accept failures and his laid there, down and out. No they got up after each failure and tried again. Maybe with little adjustments but got up.

The people who say they’ve never failed are actually they greatest failures. Because they failed to try. When a child learns to walk, he fails many times. I think this should be a lesson to all of us. Failure is not the enemy. Failing to try is.

If you don’t try, you’ll never feel the pain of failing. You’ll never in how it’s like to cry in your sleep thinking you are they most stupid person in the world. You’ll never experience the shame you get after pitching an idea you worked on for months only to have a boardroom full of people laughing at you. You’ll never feel the pitch of being cornered between everything you live, and an idea you’re willing to die for. At the same time, you’ll never experience true success. Contentment. You’ll never feel the pride of getting up. To look down and say, “I did that. I made that”.

I wish my son failure. I wish home to opportunity to gain pride in his success. The ability to get up, go beyond your father did. The ability to say “I”, not my father, not my grandfather. “I” changed the cause of history in my family. I did that. I interfered with the system. I did what no one in my family ever did. I did that.

Black child. You can be that person. Dare to fail, for in failure we gain the greatest knowledge. We assess our lives. We get reed of bad friends. We gain our true identity. In failure, we restrategise, reorganize, and plan our next wave of attack. It’s in this phase that our success is earned. I chose to fail forward.

Monday, 24 September 2018

The Role And Definition Of A Man In The 21st Century

Preface take from the book "Understanding the purpose and power of men" by Dr Myles Munroe (Buy the book, you won't regret it).

The  twenty-first  century  male  is  in  crisis.  Throughout  the nations  of  our  global  village,  the  prisons  are  filled  with multitudes  of  men.  Compared  to  their  counterpart,  women, they  are  responsible  for  a  vast  majority  of  the  criminal  behavior  worldwide.  They  are  also  victims  of  drug  abuse  and  the principal  carriers  of  the  dreaded  AIDS  virus.  Many  have found  a  home  in  subculture  gangs,  instigating  antisocial  activities  that  wreak  havoc  on  the  social  order.  Men  revel  in  the oppression  of  women  and  perpetuate  domestic  violence.   In  every  culture  and  social  system,  men  are  struggling  to find  their  place  in  a  fast-changing  world.  In  many  societies, the  dramatic  change  in  the  status  of  women,  the  workplace, and  traditional  cultural  roles  has  left  a  significant  number  of men  confused,  disillusioned,  angry,  frustrated,  and  traumatized.  Yes,  the  male  of  this  cyber-technical,  Internet-driven, postmodern  world  is  caught  in  a  worldwide  web  of  confusion. Men  are  in  trouble  but  are  afraid  to  admit  it.  They  are  lost  in a  maze  of  new  paradigms  and  the  uncharted  waters  of  social and  cultural  convergence. Change  is  often  the  source  of  uncertainty  and  a  measure of  fear  and  anxiety.  For  many,  this  type  of  fear  is  difficult  to manage,  and  it  causes  varying  reactions.  Some  negative reactions  to  change  include  denial,  ignorance,  isolation,  anger,  resistance,  and  resentment.  These  reactions  can  cause serious  effects  on  the  environment  in  which  the  change  is taking  place.  The  result  can  be  oppression,  suppression,  violence,  and  the  spirit  of  control. A  brief  study  of  the  behavior  of  the  male-factor  in  many nations  today,  including  yours,  will  reveal  such  reactions  to cultural  changes.  The  drastic  transitions  taking  place  in  social  structures  and  the  shifting  of  long-held  beliefs  are  destroying  the  defining  lines  and  the  very  definitions  of  our lives.  For  the  male  in  most  societies  and  cultures,  this  redefinition  is  traumatic  and  has  rendered  many  men  without  a clear  definition  of  manhood,  masculinity,  and  fatherhood.

The  impact  of  the  confusion  on  women,  the  family,  and society  is  also  frightening.  Many  women  suffer  the  violence  of angry  men.  Children  are  victims  of  abuse  and  resentment, and  society  bears  the  scars  of  social  deterioration.  Governments  are  helpless  to  respond  to  this  phenomenon.  They find  their  ideas,  laws,  and  social  programs  ineffective  in  addressing  it.  Men  are  clearly  in  trouble.   So  what  is  a  man  to  do?  The  number  one  challenge  to the  male  is  his  identity  crisis.  The  average  man  is  confused about  his  manhood,  masculinity,  and  sexuality.  He  doesn‘t have  a  clear  definition  of  what  a  man  is  supposed  to  be. Some  men  have  confused  their  cultural,  social,  and  traditional  roles  with  the  definition  of  manhood.  However,  this has  proven  to  be  one  of  the  major  causes  of  the  problem  because,  as  the  roles  change,  so  does  a  man‘s  image  of  himself. How  do  we  measure  a  man?  What  is  true  manhood? How  do  you  define  masculinity?  What  is  true  male  sexuality?  What  is  the  true  purpose  of  the  male  in  relation  to  the female?  Is  there  a  universal  definition  of  manhood?  Can  it be  attained?  Where  do  we  go  to  get this  definition? This  book  addresses  answers  to  these  critical  questions from  the  perspective  of  the  male.  The  purpose  and  role  of the  male  in  the  scheme  of  human  experience  is  explored through  returning  to  the  original  process  of  his  creation, based  on  the  premise  that  no  one  knows  the  product  like the  manufacturer.  No  product  can  understand  its  identity by  asking  the  customer,  because  only  the  manufacturer knows  the  original  purpose  and  potential  of  his  product. Therefore,  it  is  imperative  that  the  male  rediscover  his  original  purpose  and  understand  his  true  potential,  as  well  as gain  a  clear  understanding  of  his  principal  function  within the  human  family. The  male  is  the  key  to  building  strong,  enduring  social infrastructures,  stable  families,  sane  societies,  and  secure nations.  It  is  critical  that  the  subject  of  the  male‘s  crisis  be a  priority  for  men,  women,  and  national  governments,  so that  we  can  secure  progressive  social  developments  within the  countries  of  the  world.  Let  us  begin  our  journey  through the  land  of  cultural  confusion  to  rediscover  the  purpose  and power  of  the  real  male.