Isaiah 6v1 (KJV) "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."
We all have desires to live and serve the Lord. We try and try but most of us still feel there's something lacking. We desire not to just say "I'm a Christian" because I go to church but we wanna walk hand in hand with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. What lacks in us that the apostles had? What are we doing different from what the apostles did? Were they not man like us? Did they not eat food like us? Did they not experience pain like us? How does one walk with the Holy Spirit like the disciples did after our Lord Jesus Christ was taken into the Heavens? Today we live in a world where we ourselves do not fully allow the fullness of the Holy Spirit manifest in our lives. You see churches and pastors who preach the word of the Lord yet do lack this intimate relationship with the Spirit.
In the scripture quoted above, prophet Isaiah says the year king Uzziah died he saw the Lord. What is important to note in his wording is that "the year king Uzziah died" is not only use in reference to the period in time but also illustrate the significance of allowing something things to die in our lives so that we may also see the Lord. The scripture in the book of Matthew 6v24 (Luke 16v13) tells us that "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despite the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." This is true even in our lives as Christians, we can only serve one master which is God in heaven. However, if we desire earthly materials and objects we exalt it as our master living no space for Christ the Lord. It took king Uzziah to die for Isaiah to see the Lord.
It will take me and you to allow whatever object or material or ideology, to die so that us too can see the Lord. A "master" in our lives is not limited to a man made object or a symbol in which we bow down and worship. No, a "master" could be anything and everything. It is anything that keeps us away from praying, anything that keeps us away from fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit. It could money, certain relationships, it could be lust, gossip/lies, it could be sports, cars, politics. It could be anything. What keeps you from spending time with the Lord? The answer is different for every body.
Whatever your answer, you must allow such "being" to die for Christ said as quoted above that it is impossible to serve two masters. I don't know what is the master in your life, is it your car, your business, your lover or is it in a form of addiction to drugs, sex, porn, alcohol or any other. You must allow it to die today in Jesus's name. However, you can not do it on your own. Don't try to do this on your own. You will fail and fail and the devil will discourage you telling you it can not be done. Those who have ever tried quiting an addiction will tell you. You need the help of the Holy Spirit for you are only flesh and flesh desires flesh things but the spirit desires spirit things.
John 14v26 (ESV) says "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." God knows our weakness. He knows we are human and that certain things might be hard or impossible for us to achieve hence when Christ went into the heavens to prepared us a place he didn't leave us alone. God sent the Holy Spirit to us. He is our "Helper", our "Comforter" and He is here to teach us all things and to continually remind all the things Christ has said. So if you wanna let things that are not of Christ die our of your life, don't do it on your own. Call upon the counsel of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always there with you, you just have to call upon him and he will manifest in your life (John 14v16).
Sinners prayer:
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, sweet Holy Spirit, I come before you today. I confess my sins unto you Lord. I today take a decision in my heart. I welcome you Lord into my life. I acknowledge that Jesus Christ your beloved son was sent on to earth for me; and that He was crucified on the cross for my sins. He became a curse for me (for it is written that cursed is he that hangs on a tree), and that He died for me and His death was life to me. I acknowledge that Christ conquered death and on the 3rd day He rose from the grave and today Christ is alive. I say with my mouth that Christ Jesus of Nazareth is my Lord and Saviour, for as of now I'm a new creation. Holy Spirit I welcome you in my life to be my friend, my Comforter, my helper and my teacher. Guide my footsteps so that I may from today onwards live a life that is pleasing unto my Father in heaven. Amen.
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